A friendly tool developed for production managers, system managers and all those responsible for Storage in z / OS environments who would like to increase the efficiency of their Batch environment.
EADM is a friendly tool developed for production managers, system managers, and all those responsible for Storage in z / OS environments who would like to increase the efficiency of their Batch environment. With EADM there is no loss of time processing RMF / IBM or CMF / BMC.
EADM creates your I / O profile (on all disks, a Storage Group, a disk, etc.). Once created, this profile provides the opportunity to detect abnormal disk I / O behavior.
Another key objective of the Technical Storage product is the ability to quickly create automated scenarios of your storage systems that will alert you to any problems that occur in your disk volumes.
EADM is designed to analyze RMF and / or CMF reports by LPAR or all LPARs on a SYSPLEX, either automatically or manually, according to the parameters specified by the user. The product can track a complete Pool of disks in a matter of minutes, rather than the two or three days that this task normally takes the user.
Accurate performance audits can be generated that will be automatically synthesized in reports published in MS Word format. In a few pages you can see where the problems are and think of solutions to improve the performance of your z / OS disk subsystems. In addition, these audit reports will greatly facilitate presentations for IT departments and boards.
Overall, EADM produces daily or weekly analyzes to generate your profile. It can generate relevant information every 30 minutes (or at any other interval). Once performance audits are performed, EADM automatically sends the results via e-mail and the user will have instant access to any relevant information about the volumes of their disks.
Worldwide, the mainframe area lacks z / OS specialists, a long-forecasted fact. EADM is the solution that will keep you informed about your company’s resources and ensure business continuity, as well as maintain the level of your production and systems teams.