GFS Partnerships

For more than 20 years, Centenary IBM has been a leader in the marketing of large servers and is present in the largest global companies with integrated solutions for hardware, software and on-premises and cloud services. IBM servers, the Z family and IBM LinuxONE, unite the best of each segment and offer systems integration and open standards, 100% aligned with customers’ needs for innovation (ML, AI, Blockchain, IoT).


GFS Software and IBM Z – reshaping the future

Solutions / Services


GFS is a software company with recognized expertise in the domestic market, exceeding customer expectations through the quality and robustness of its products and the professionalism, commitment, and quality of its services.


• GFS-AFM/STACK/TQS, the most advanced suite for managing plant libraries, whether physical or virtualized environments, for z/OS systems. It automatically and seamlessly manages all volume protection and release operations in z/OS libraries.

• GFS/ZCL, upload and download, in real time or on demand, files from the z/OS environment to data storage services, whether public, private or hybrid clouds.


• z/OS version upgrade or migration;

• Upgrade or migration of product versions: CICS, DB2;

• Conception, design and implementation of mission-critical, high-availability and high-performance software;

• Development and maintenance of utilities, routines and infrastructure functions in high-performance languages, exploiting the resources of the Z Systems architecture;

• Diagnosis of exposures and weaknesses in the Infrastructure and Security Administration Processes;

• Diagnosis of Infrastructure and Disaster Recovery Processes


Being an ISV, Independent Software Vendor, and exploring the technological opportunities of the Z Systems architecture in the face of customer and market demands, helps us to maintain and expand a lasting relationship with our customers, reinforcing our mission of being customer-oriented, helping them to maximize the benefits of their investment in the architecture.

About the partnership…


 GFS Software, a traditional IBM partner for more than two decades, has invested its efforts in evolving and updating its products/services and training its technical team. With a legacy of innovation and leadership in the national market for infrastructure and automation products in the Mainframe environment, GFS has helped its customers reduce their risks, efforts, and operational costs. Additionally, GFS has enabled them to explore the potential technological opportunities offered by the Z Systems architecture, IBM Storage, and data management in a hybrid IT landscape, including private, public, and hybrid clouds.



“GFS Software transforms challenges into high tech solutions.”

Marcelo Queiroz – Infrastructure and Mainframe Support Management, B3



Adaptigent™ (formerly GT Software) empowers organizations to unlock the potential of their core systems to enable enterprise-level innovation. The company’s products help IT organizations provide real-time, business-ready results by creating a dynamic, no-code layer that allows modern applications to access the full treasure trove of data trapped on legacy systems. Built on a 35+ year history of digital transformation expertise, it is trusted by many of the world’s largest companies: Credit Suisse, Nationwide Insurance, Lockheed Martin and Caterpillar.


Beta Systems Software AG

Since 1983, Beta Systems has specialized in platform-independent software products that operate across application boundaries. Customers include major international corporations and organizations that operate extensive IT systems and complex IT processes, including banks, insurance agencies, manufacturing, trade and utility companies, as well as public administrations. Over 1,300 customers in more than 30 countries rely on solutions from Beta Systems Software AG.



The global leader in Big Iron to Big Data software. We organize data everywhere, to keep the world working – the same data that powers machine learning, AI and predictive analytics. We use our decades of experience so that more than 7,000 customers, including 84 of the Fortune 100, can quickly extract value from their critical data anytime, anywhere. Our products provide a simple way to optimize, assure, integrate, and advance data, helping to solve for the present and prepare for the future.



Stonebranch is a company specializing in IT orchestration and automation solutions, offering a hybrid platform that manages and integrates processes in real time, in on-premises and multi-cloud environments. With over 25 years’ experience, Stonebranch stands out for its constant innovation, enabling organizations to automate complex workflows, and its Universal Automation Center (UAC) platform is renowned for its reliability and scalability, enabling companies to manage and orchestrate IT and business processes efficiently.

Use GFS To Distribute Your Product

GFS Software is the most distinguished Brazilian software company in the z/OS infrastructure applications market, distributed by some of the most renowned software companies around the world.

GFS is listed at the Top 200 ranking of biggest Brazilian IT companies. Reliable and experienced, the company remains the Brazilian leader in tape library management, supplying prominent banks, businesses, and government institutions with mainframe solutions.

GFS’s customers count, as proven by our outstanding support services. With a complete technical base dedicated exclusively to development and support, GFS offers customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If your company is looking to expand its international operations through a renowned, trustworthy, experienced company with a strong market presence, GFS may present an excellent entrance door to Brazilian and Latin American markets.

For more information about products and solutions distribution, please contact GFS partnerships area: